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Barter & Trade with Miss Gemini Jade 

Hey, there! Thanks for showing interest in this fun little experiment. Please read through the following information before beginning the form. I know it's a lot, but I designed it to be helpful. At least skim the bolded headings.

Why bartering?

So many reasons! I would say that a few that are on the top of the list for me are that it's fun & exciting -- I PREFER a trade most of the time (if I could live off of just trades, I would). 


It's also an amazing way to make connections with people in my community. It's much more personal and equalizing than an exchange of funds. Bartering is actually how I met my husband. I offered him a reading for some of his art. So add love to the list...hehe!


It's also kind of an expensive time to be human. Handmade goods or art, quality services, fresh food or produce -- these are all increasingly expensive. Bartering is a way for me to gain access to those things while also making my own services & skills more accessible. I really believe that what I offer is valuable, but recognize that money is a very real barrier. I reckon that I am not the only person who feels this way about what they do or make or offer. I would like to live in a world where getting our needs met & sharing with each other is easier. Therein lies opportunity!

How do you decide which requests you'll accept?

This is a combination of factors. My current needs and interests mainly, but also whether or not I have enough time to accept the offer & follow through on my end of the deal. I also think about what feels fair and what sparks joy or excitement.

Why do you think I care about why YOU want to barter?

It's important that you think about why you, yourself are interested in a barter arrangement. To some degree, just wanting something alone is not a great reason. Bartering typically takes more time, integrity, and more care for other people than cash. Consider why you are interested in this process before engaging. Make sure it is clear to you and feels exciting! 

How does it work?

Fill out the form below. Due to the fact that I do have to pay some of my bills with cash (ugh), I will not be able to accept all barter requests. Once I receive your request I will carefully consider it and reply by accepting it, providing a counter offer, or just letting you know that I'm not able to make a deal at this point. I will tell you why and let you know if there is another season where I'd be more willing or able to make the deal with you.


If I do accept your offer, we'll clarify and confirm the details (time, dates, deadlines, needs/wants/boundaries) and firm up the deal!

How do you decide what is a fair trade?

Value is pretty subjective and this can be difficult. 


Some factors I use to consider value are the following:

★ market or hourly rate

★ time to produce service/good

★ demand

★ my personal need or desire 

★ sentimentality 

★ novelty

★ how much it "sparks joy" (to give and receive)


For example, If my readings are $100 for 90 minutes, I would likely not offer a just single reading for a good worth $500 or a service that takes several hours. I might make an offer of a single reading for a discount on their $500 good/service. However, if providing the good or service to me cost the individual nothing or less than the actual cash value, a single reading might be an attractive trade. See what I mean?


Ultimately, the trade should feel good. I have learned not to give or take more than feels good. Bartering takes relationship and healthy relationships are honest. Don't give more than you really want to give even to sweeten the deal. Offer what feels good and not a lick more. 

What if someone just didn't make good on their deal with you?

What is the public database of amazing trades?

Bummer. I would just not trade with them again. You would not be added to my public database of amazing trades.

This is just a google sheet where I will record what I traded, the value, and with whom. The purpose is to keep me accountable to fair trades and to provide a reference/inspiration point for other aspiring traders. Traders who make good on their trade and want some cred can consent to having their name listed. 

What kind of trades are you most interested in?

There are some things that I would likely always be interested in:

★ fresh produce, dry goods, homemade foods (like bread, pastries, or coffee)

★ art

★ specific services (like a manicure, help fixing or building things)

★ plants

★ skill share (where you teach me something!)


Other things that I would likely be intrigued by but might not be able to accept as frequently depending on my schedule, availability, or need for cash/other goods: 

★ new experiences or services that I have not been acquainted with (something like palm reading perhaps)

★ experiences that I am acquainted with, but don't urgently need (something like a tarot reading)

★ used goods (like thrift or vintage)

What are some of the trades that you have done before?

I have given:

★ full-length readings 

★ ongoing coaching

★ parties/events

★ family sessions

★ written reports or recordings 


I have received: 

★ art (like a print or sticker)

★ handmade goods (like a pair of earrings)

★ manicures & other beauty services

★ spiritual services (tarot, limpias, etc)

★ other services (like styling)


This is not an exhaustive list and I'm always open to new ideas or offers. 


Here is my wish list as a reference point. A general idea of my needs, interests, and desires are at the given moment. Offering something on this list does not guarantee I will accept it. Truly, wish list is used loosely. Please don't purchase something in order to make a trade. That is so silly. It also goes without saying that used items are totally acceptable.

If you have more specific questions you can email me at If we are already acquainted through another medium (phone, socials) you can tap me there too. 


Thank you for showing up here and for being the kind of person who imagines a world like I where we see & recognize each other's value in new and exciting ways! I am just dipping my toes in at this point, but I am so excited to see where these collaborations might lead. 

Interested in bartering?

Fill out the following form & I will get back to you.

Thanks for your interest!

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