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All reviews have been written by current or former clients.

Jade's great! I didn't even realize how in-depth astrology can be. Def worth it, it's very healing.
Jade's insights on my chart (and my life!) was completely life-giving and allowed me space to heal. 
Jade, her readings and spirit have been a huge part of my healing and transformation.
Jade. These prompts and questions are so beautiful. Wow. I feel so blessed that you've invested time into me. You really see me and hear me to know what parts of me are needing to be healed. Love you so much girl! 
Just finished my birth chart reading with Jade! Book my girl you won't be disappointed!
A reading from Jade changed my life and I like myself now!
Had a beautiful intuition coaching session with Jade. I'm so excited for what she is creating! 
Get ya birth chart read by Jade... They make it fun and digestible to understand. 
Just had my first reading with Jade. She read me for filth and I can't wait to do it

The last couple of years for me have been all about rediscovering who I am at the core. After having kids and starting my entrepreneurship journey, there was a lot that I realized I didn't know about myself. Slowly, I started to connect with my intuition, and the more I leaned into it the more I realized there are no such things as coincidences. Connecting with Jade was a beautiful and divine calibration of a greater source. Having my birth chart read for the first time was incredible. It gave me a level of reassurance that I didn't even know I needed. My likes, my needs, and my personality overall. It all made sense. Not only was it insightful, Jade's delivery made it a one-of-a-kind experience. Jade's sense of humor is everything. I can't remember the last time I laughed that much. Thanks to that beautiful experience I now know I am indeed on the right track and walk with more confidence than ever. Jade has a gift. She brings life and light everywhere she goes. Also, holy moly, the reason was so spot on. Like wow! 

If you've ever wanted to get your birth chart read, please please please set an appointment with Jade! 
She is just an amazing person! And my experience was so fun and enlightening. Jade is so helpful in explaining all the astrology aspects if you're like me, and don't really know about it all. She is very patient, understanding, careful, and respectful through the whole process. I looooved my experience so much! Book your appointment!

        I had a fantastic session with Jade.
    Many themes came up about this new season I'm   entering, but the main message was to rest. I've worked hard to plant the seed, grow with love, water, sunlight, and nourishment, to blossom and bloom. Now it's time to turn the soil and rest for the new season. I've made great leaps and bounds in the past three years. It's normal to want to retreat. I'm tired...

Life is hard, even if it's good.Being consciously aware is hard because growth requires accountability and change. Change is hard because you have to let go of control and be faithful that      what's to come is meant to be. Thankful for her           for reaffirming me and reminding me of my                magic. 

Jade came into my life when

I was at my lowest point. She has

seen me through the seasons of pain,

grief, acceptance, fear, uncertainty, leaning

into my bad bitch era, learning to love myself, saying

no, and all the things that shake your confidence and question

your ability. Yet, she has so much certainty and faith in me that I

would get through the other side. Three years later- and she was right. If I

had known what was on the other side... I probably would have plunged into healing sooner- but that is the thing about it- you can't see what's for you until you have faith, trust yourself, and lean into the truth.

Because of her, I know God is real. I know God is within us and that I am magical. I feel privileged to have you, Jade, as my spiritual teacher and advisor. There is no dollar amount to put on your gift- BUT if I had a trillion dollars for how you have helped me make me feel- it would be yours, sis! My peaceful energy, aura, responses, and reactions are attributed to God using you to help me heal and love myself. In this new season, I'm learning how to allow myself to fully feel and embrace joy. 

Thank you, Jade, for always working on being the best version of yourself---thank you for giving me your best. We are bonded for life. And, as always, thanks for sneaking a quick affirmation reading                      this morning to remind me that this new journey to Atlanta is what God has for me now. I am                                    still on a high from our coffee date. Your magic, as always, is contagious! 

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